
Preparing Your Artwork

For best results, it is highly recommended that you deliver your artwork in a vector format such as .cdr, .ai, .dxf, .eps, or .pdf. If absolutely necessary, we can deal with bitmap formats such as .bmp, .png, and .tiff. If you supply us with a bitmap, please keep in mind that the resolution of the engraving is directly related to the resolution of the bitmap. A low resolution image will yield a low resolution faceplate.

IMPORTANT! All artwork should be prepared with text/art in black and background in white. Any artwork that doesn't conform to this requirement will be returned. All cutouts should be drawn in *red*, including the exterior dimensions of the plate. It is highly recommended that

Please contact us if you intend to use a different format. We strive to work with our customers to the best of our abilities, but in some instances file incompatibilities can't be overcome.

IMPORTANT! If you are preparing a faceplate, please MEASURE carefully.TMI Amplification is not responsible for incorrectly sized artwork. Unless the chassis was prepared on a CNC, there will be some small (or not so small) inaccuracies in the locations of the drilled holes. It is suggested that you oversize all holes in your panels to account for any mislocations. If you are using a vector-based illustration program such as CorelDraw or Adobe Illustrator, draw all drill holes in *red* and leave them unfilled.

FONTS. If your artwork features a font that is not in our collection, you will need to supply it to us along with your engraving files, or suggest an alternate font.

If you are unable to prepare your own artwork, TMI Amplification is available for graphic design at a rate of $35/hour. We can also recommend other graphic design professionals that we've worked with in the past.